It is very important to ask the right questions when you are starting a project. Most of the time the client doesn’t exactly know what he/she’s looking for, so it’s our job as a designer to get a deep insight into what they are thinking and what kind of logo they might want and need.
usepitchproof has compiled a list of questions that you can ask your logo design client to gain a deep insight into what they might be after. Let’s check them out.
Questions To Ask Your Logo Design Client

1. What Is The Purpose Of The Logo, And Where Will It Be Showcased?
You need to understand your client’s motivation. Why does he need a logo? is it really necessary? Does the client need a totally new logo or just a slight change to it?
Sometimes the client wants something similar but in a new way. Yes, I know how that sounds, but it’s exactly how it is sometimes.
You need to understand the purpose of the logo, what the client wants it to represent. What they want the logo to show, what it should represent, etc.
Moreover, you also need to know where it will be showcased. Is it for a t-shirt? Or a billboard? In front of a shop? Or just on the web?

2. What Product/Service Does The Business Provide?
Obviously, this is a must-have and a question you have to ask. Before cross-questioning your logo design client, let them go on with explaining it. Let them explain to you what their product/service is. How connected they are to it. How can it make a difference?
The more information you can get from them is better. Try to listen to them more passionately and carefully. This will also tell them that you are interested and can connect to their message.

3. What Are Some Long-Term Business Objectives?
Ask your client what some of their long term business goals are. This is important so that you can strategize the logo in a way that can grow with the brand.
Do they plan on expanding to other niches or dominate the one they are in right now? Do they plan to move from one media, or stick to it? Try to learn your client’s vision and what he believes the brand can become in years to come.

4. Who Is Your Target Audience?
Try to figure out what is the target audience of their business. Do they even know who their target audience is? Or are they targetting too broadly or targetting to specific?
You need to know what their target audience is so that you can design a logo that appeals to them.

5. Who Are Your Competitors?
Ask and try to find who are the competitors in their industry. This tells you what standard of design the logo should uphold.
Many times you’ll find that clients want a logo somewhat similar to their competitors but want a different angle to it. Again, something that will make sense as you talk to your client.

6. What Differentiates You From Your Competitors?
After knowing the client’s vision for the brand, what it stands for, what it delivers and where they see it in years to come, you need to ask what is there in their brand that makes them unique and differentiates them from their competitors.
You need to ask why would a person choose them on top of their competitor. Do they offer something special? What is that special thing?

7. When Would You Like To See The Project Completed?
After getting a vague idea of what you need to achieve in the project, you need to ask when do they expect the project to be completed. This will immensely help you create a quote and sort out the schedule.
The deadline may shift but you must at least have a vague idea of what the client expects.

Extra: What’s Your Budget?

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