10 Graphic Design Trends For 2020

Top 10 Graphic Design Trends

Graphic design trends come and go in every field. But it is important for a designer to be on top of what’s going on in the industry to gain a little edge.

Whether we like it or not, there are always some trends we like and some we don’t and wonder who even likes this and how did it even start.

Today, we’re taking a look at what has been and going to be the top graphic design trends of 2020 with the help of the following infographic. Thanks to Bannersnack for creating this handy infographic which lists the top design trends along with proper examples of each trend.

List Of Top 10 Graphic Design Trends For 2020

1. Color Gradient:

Color gradient has been around for a while and we can blame Instagram for that which has been one of the main influencers of this trend with its color gradient logo.

It is attention-grabbing and eye-catching and people are loving it. More and more designers are using it now in their designs. Hence, it is expected to be a huge trend this year.

2. Bold Typography

More and more brands are now moving it. They are incorporating bold sans-serif fonts like Roboto and Poppins to modernize their designs.

Bold typography is great for short messages as they grab the viewer’s attention. And that’s what every designer wants, grab people’s attention.

Bold Typography design trend
Tim Tijink

3. Asymmetrical Layout

The asymmetrical layout grabs attention by creating tension. It is more engaging by being unexpected to the user.

Moreover, allowing the lack of symmetry and a feel of an unfinished design is a bold move to convey an important message and convey a message boldly.

Assymetrical layout design trend
Slap Magazines

4. Brand Identity System

The brand identity system basically has an underlying strategy attached to a basic design element as a basic unit for all its graphics.

This gives the brand more flexibility on how they want to evolve over time. In simple words, a brand starts its branding with a simple design element be it a line, a shape, or anything else. And then over time, they use this element to evolve their branding. Some good examples are Uber, Squarespace, and Mailchimp.

Brand Identity System design trend

5. Textured 3d Design

The 3-dimensional method is expected to advance by adding a layer of realism in textural experimentation. In addition, the textures to look out for are glass, metal, and plastic.

Textured 3d design
Peter Tarka

6. Fluid Shapes

Fluid and organic shapes are rising in popularity. One reason behind that is the fact that fluid and organic shapes are considered more soft and friendly because of the lack of harsh edges.

Because of their friendly and likable look, more and more designers are using it in their designs to attract more users.

Turtle Beach Headphones

7. Tailor-made illustrations

They were huge last year as well but we can expect them to become a much bigger deal this year as we can see more and more brands adopting this in their branding.

One good reason to use them and why they are powerful is the exclusiveness and the personal touch that they add to the branding. It can easily establish a brand’s uniqueness and also increase engagement with its users.

Uber Tailor-made illustrations

8. Isometric Compositions

Isometric compositions are already very popular in infographics, landing pages, and packages because of their unique style and the way it tells a story.

Whereas, it is expected to move to even more mediums.

Isometric Compositions

9. Mixed Media

This style combines different media to communicate its message in a much more optimized way. This is specially used in a commercial photo or video shoots. That’s because it can add an element of fun to a boring shoot.

It surely is expected to rise as it can also diversify how a message can be communicated visually.

Donna Adi

10. Short Videos

The use of gifs has been with us for more than a decade now. But recently, we’ve seen a rise in the use of short videos for design purposes. Whether it be short animated videos or just looping videos conveying a message. And it is predicted to rise even more this year.

Top 10 Graphic Design Trends For 2020 – Infographic

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