7 Best Free Serif Fonts For Your Next Design Project (With Download Links)

If you’re a designer, you know how important the process of selecting the right fonts is. Even if someone likes Sans-serif or script fonts over Serif fonts, they can’t just use that everywhere. Depending on the project and what impact we want on our audience, we need to choose the fonts putting our personal favorites aside. Today we’ll be having a look at 7 free elegant Serif fonts for your next design project.

I’m sure if you love fonts and love trying new fonts and discovering some gems, you’d find some very cool Serif fonts here.

Thanks to Lidia for this cool list of Free Elegant Serif fonts. Do check out her on IG for more insightful tips on Graphic Design and UI/UX. Now, without further ado, let’s jump on to the list 😄

To go to the font download page, just click on the heading with the font’s name.

The Best Free Elegant Serif Fonts

7 best elegant serif fonts

1. Canto

best elegant serif fonts - canto

2. Lucy Rose

best elegant serif fonts - lucy rose

3. Adobe Garamond

best elegant serif fonts - adobe garamond

4. Sabon LT Pro

best elegant serif fonts - sabon lt pro

5. Baskerville Poster

best elegant serif fonts - baskerville poster

6. FreightBig Pro

best elegant serif fonts - freightbig pro

7. Trajan

best elegant serif fonts - trajan

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