Throughout the years, “Futura” as a font has risen in popularity within the designer community. Designers love Futura and it is very common to see it being used in some very famous logos. logo_fonts who are all about fonts used in logos has compiled some of the most famous brands that use Futura in its logo. Let’s have a look at them.

Nike – Futura Extra Bold Condensed Oblique

Supreme – Futura Heavy Oblique

Gillette – Futura Extra Black Italic

PayPal – Futura Bold Oblique

Red Bull – Futura BQ Demi Bold

Domino’s – Futura Demi Bold

In-N-Out Burger – Futura No 8

Omega – Futura Medium

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2 Responses
[…] the most famous brand logos that use Helvetica. Similarly to how we had a look at some of the most famous brands that use Futura earlier, we’ll try to tell the exact font that the brands use. If you’re someone who […]
[…] Each logo has a story behind it. And famous brands like the ones we’ll have a look at needs to have a logo that means something and stands for something. All of these logos have a hidden meaning inside them. Some you might know already, but you’ll surely find some that you didn’t know. Thanks to NoĆ©mi & Boti a.k.a graphstorm for this great compilation. Do check them out. So, without further ado, let’s check out the hidden meanings behind famous brand logos. […]