8 Interesting Facts From The History Of Graphic Design

As you know, graphic design is huge and it is everywhere around us. From the morning newspaper to the billboards we come across. Graphic design is not just to please the eyes, it is much much bigger than that. Businesses hire graphic designers to help them increase their sales, gain attention, deliver a powerful message, and a lot of other things. Today we’ll be looking at 8 interesting and cool facts from the history of graphic design which you probably didn’t know till now.

Thanks to Nikhil Pawar a.k.a dope.motions for curating these fascinating facts from the history of graphic design. Let’s have a look at the facts.

8 Interesting Facts From The History Of Graphic Design

8 Interesting Facts From The History Of Graphic Design

1. Nike Logo

nike logo

2. Helvetica

Helvetica - graphic design facts

3. The most hated font

Comic sans most hated font by graphic designers

4. The first edition of Photoshop

graphic design facts - first edition of photoshop

5. Where did the term ‘graphic design’ come from?

5. Where did the term 'graphic design' come from?

6. First watermark

first watermark? - graphic design facts

7. First-ever website launch

first ever website launch

8. U.S Declaration was originally printed in which font?

U.S Declaration original printed font

Thank you!!

Thank you - graphic design facts

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