How To Get Inspired Through Music

Listening to music while working. Does it really help you concentrate and improve your performance? Research suggests that background music can indeed improve performance on cognitive tasks. It doesn’t just end there, as it has many other psychological benefits as well.

If you’ve ever felt motivated when listening to your favorite upbeat song, or if you’ve ever been moved by a beautiful soft song, you’d easily understand the power that music can have over your emotions. Movies and advertisements have been using this power to dictate your actions. To make you feel certain way.

But, you can use it to your advantage as well as we’ll see in this post. This post on music psychology is a guest post on Chris Do’s page by Leo Gonzalez. Let’s have a look at how you can use music to your advantage.

Word From Leo:

I’ve found that when I need to do serious brain work, like when I have to write a talk, I have a specific playlist that my brain just loves. On Spotify I discovered a playlist called Brain Food, and it does wonders to ease my anxiety and I slip into a rhythm. I’ve since modify the playlist to add more of what I want.

What music do you listen to when you need to do some high-level thinking? Pay attention to the genre of music you listen to and how it affects your mood, energy level and ability to concentrate.

Create custom playlists and use the appropriate music for the desired effect. It’s a performance-enhancing drug that is chemical-free.

Get Inspired Through Music

How to get inspired through music

Looking For The Perfect Playlist To Work To?

Looking for the perfect playlist to work to?

Apply Music Psychology To Your Next Project

Music Psychology

What Does The Research Tell Us?

Research suggests that background music, or music that is played while the listener is primarily focused on another activity, can improve performance on cognitive tasks.

Research on music while working

Feeling Unmotivated?

Feeling unmotivated and hit a roadblock? Listening to fast-paced music motivates people to work harder.

Motivating music

Want To Improve Memory And Create Less Distraction?

Playing more positive and neutral music while working can help improve memory and create less of a distraction.

Music to improve memory and create less distraction

Music For Warm And Calming Workflow?

Acoustic music is the perfect background music to set a warm and calming workflow. It’ll release any tension you have and help you relax a bit. It will even calm you down from any anxiety you have.

Acoustic music for warm and calming workflow

Music To Get The Mind Working And Focused?

Electronic music has the perfect amount of tempo change to get the mind working and focused. You’ll feel pumped and focused at the same time, that’s why you’ll also hear it in a lot of gyms. So, get that mind working with some electronic music.

Electronic music to get the mind working and focused

Less Distracting And More Uplifting Music?

Pop/R&B are great neutral genres that can be less distracting and more uplifting.

Pop/R&B for less distracting and more uplifting feel

Thank you

Thank you

Do you listen to music when you work? What kind of music do you prefer listening to while working? Do you get inspired through music? Let us know in the comment section below and share the post with your friends who might enjoy it too. Thank you.