How COVID-19 Will Change Our Lives Forever

At this point, it seems that change is inevitable. This pandemic has affected everyone all around the globe. How will you adapt to this new normal? What changes can we expect in the coming days because we now know that this situation is here to stay for some time? visual_inconsideration offers a glimpse into how COVID-19 will change our lives forever.

The post is a guest post by visual_inconsideration on Chris Do’s page. Let’s have a look at it.

How COVID-19 Will Change Our Lives Forever

how covid will change our lives

Working From Home Is The New Norm

People are starting to realize how comfortable working from home is. They are carrying what they experienced from this pandemic, back to their ‘new norm/ ways of working.

how covid will change our lives - Working from home is the new norm

Digitalisation Takes Over

People who hadn’t seen each other in years are now reconnecting and seeing each other daily. Virtual happy hours and ‘live’ workout sessions are some ways they get creative with digitalization.

Digitalisation takes over

Education Goes Virtual

Educators are now relying on Zoom, Slack, or WhatsApp as ways to engage and teach students as they realize that this routine will be the new learning experience.

Education goes virtual

Mental Healthcare Becomes An Obligation

There will be a monumental shift in attitudes toward mental health.

Mental health care becomes an obligation

Restaurants Resurfaces As Ghost Kitchens

Restaurants might permanently link up with delivery service platforms or expand their reach via ghost kitchens.

Transportation With Social Distancing

Reliable ways of commuting while staying socially distant will be implemented. Starting with domestic travel such as ride-sharing as well as public transportation.

Transportation with social distancing

Manufacturing Comes Back Home

Factories and supply will require much more resilient manufacturing through local means. Uncertainty rises when engaging factories with low-cost labor halfway around the world.

Manufacturing comes back home

Adapting New Business Operations

This pandemic will force businesses to develop alternative revenue streams so they can weather the next major event.

Adapting to new business operations

How Are You Bracing For The New Norm?

how covid will change our lives - How are you bracing for the new norm?

What are your predictions about the future? How are you bracing the new norm? Check out more posts below or click here.