Color gradients have been around for a while and we can blame Instagram for that which has been one of the main influencers of this design trend with its color gradient logo.
It is attention-grabbing and eye-catching and people are loving it. More and more designers are using it now in their designs. It is easy to make a gradient, but, it can be tricky to create irregular gradients like the Instagram logo.
But, no need to worry here, Grappus Studio has published a simple 6-step guide that anyone can follow and make their own irregular gradient. Let’s have a look at it.
Irregular Gradients In Seconds

Step 1
Draw 4 (or more) circles with different radii.

Step 2
Give them some nice colors.

Step 3
Combine them into a single blob.

Step 4
Turn up the Gaussian blur to 40 points (80%) and then group the blob together.

Step 5
Create a shape with one of the colors as base color to use as mask.

Step 6
Mask the blob with the shape and there you have it! Your own irregular gradient!

Try using different colors and Gaussian blur levels to create wonderful combinations.
Also, mask with text to create awesomness!!

Thank you!!

You can check more of Grappus Studio’s work and tips on their Instagram.
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