3 UX Trends That Uber Taught Us

Whether you’re a fan of Uber or not, objectively you’d agree that Uber has achieved milestones that most of the apps lack to achieve. It has taught us new things in the service industry. And also introduced new trends. These trends have been proved to be effective by optimizing the user experience and made Uber what it is today.

Today, BigBang Innovations presents 3 of the UX trends that Uber taught us. Let’s see what were the problems that Uber faced and how they solved each of these problems and optimized their user’s experience.

From BigBang Innovations:

Here is a scenario where UX actually had an impact on the business aspects as well. Uber has taught us these three UX design trends which improved the experience ‘three folds’.



Some restaurants have a minimum order limit to claim an offer. Thus, most users navigate back to the menu card and add more items to claim the offer.


OFFER CLAIM INDICATOR on the restaurants menu screen.

UX Trends That Uber Taught Us


Shift In Mindset:

A simple interaction of asking for feedbacks instead of ratings has a huge impact on the user’s mindset. It shows that the company listens to you.


IT DEFINES the meaning of a community much better.

UX Trends That Uber Taught Us



Not all rider ratings are necessarily true.


Thus, Uber wanted to protect their drivers by using the following tactics:

  • Ask for “the why” from the rider if they give a rating below five.
  • A bad rating due to GPS, route, or traffic won’t reflect the performance of the driver.
  • The system won’t consider low ratings from riders who consistently provide bad ratings.
UX Trends That Uber Taught Us

What do you think of Uber? Do you think they lack some areas regarding the user experience? Let us know what you’d change for better user experience. And do share the post with your friends who might find it helpful.