UI/UX Design

How To Elevate Your UI/UX Designs

Even though we are in a fast-paced world and witness new trends come and go every other day, some things don’t change. Great user experience and a visually appealing interface remain the number one priority for any project we work on. The following tips from Lubos Volkov will help you...

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Monochromatic Designs – Idea Of Simplicity

Monochromatic designs are becoming popular these days because of their simplicity and the fact that it can actually leave a long-lasting impression on the users. Today, Nisha Kumari, a web designer, and UI/UX Enthusiast talk about monochromatic designs. What is a monochromatic design? How can you create a monochromatic color...

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3 UX Trends That Uber Taught Us

Whether you’re a fan of Uber or not, objectively you’d agree that Uber has achieved milestones that most of the apps lack to achieve. It has taught us new things in the service industry. And also introduced new trends. These trends have been proved to be effective by optimizing the...

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Tips On Typography In Interface Design

Typography plays a huge role in “design”, especially interface design. It allows us to communicate the message and story to the user. Choosing the right typeface is really important for the success of the project & overall user experience. Lubos Volkov, who is a lead designer at Toptal has come...

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