Floral Elements In Figma

Do you also love the floral elements in designs as much as I do? If so, I’m sure you’d be curious to know how to create these beautiful symmetrical elements that can decorate your design. You can create them with ease using Figma. And today we’re learning this only. How to create floral elements in Figma.

Thanks to Sèrgi Mi for this easy to follow guide. Without further ado, let’s dive into the process.

floral elements in figma guide

1. Shape

Create a base figure with 2 sharp ends.

floral elements in figma guide

2. Duplicate

Duplicate the figure 3 times.

floral elements in figma guide

3. Gradients

Add the following Linear gradients:


4. Plugin

Install Rotate Copies plugin by Christian Konrad.

rotate copies plugin

5. Plugin

Group our 4 figures and use plugin:

floral elements in figma guide

6. Magic

floral elements in figma guide

7. Second part

Create another group of figures and use plugin again:

floral elements in figma guide

8. Done

Connect 2 groups of all layers.

floral elements in figma guide

Thank you 🙂

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