Simple UI Design Rules

When designing a UI, many times designers skip the most basic rules. Yes, they are simple they shouldn’t be overlooked as these small-small things make up the whole interface and experience for the user. Today, we’ll be taking a look at these very simple UI design rules which you should not overlook. This guide is from Michael Filipiuk, who is an awesome mobile UI/UX designer and a very good content creator. For more similar content, do check out his stuff. Now, without further ado, let’s have a look at these simple UI design rules.

Rule #1: Whitespace is good

Give your design some space to breathe! It’s one of the most common mistakes people do. If your design feels too tight, it’s probably true. Whitespace is good.

whitespace is good for your ui design

Rule #2: Accessibility first

Your design needs to be accessible. If contrast is too low, people will not be able to see and use the elements of your design. Examples of bad accessibility be a too small font or low contrast. Check out example below:

accebility first - ui design tips

Rule #3: Consistency is key

be consistent with your fonts, colors and overall style around your application. You might think it’s cool to have a big variety of colors, fonts and other things in your app, but it only confuses the user.

consistency is key in ui design

Rule #4: Less fonts = better

Limit the number of fonts you use in your designs. The rule of thumb is to use a maximum of 2. However, I believe you can create great designs even using only one font.

Less fonts = better

Rule #5: Contrast with color

Color is an important part of creating hierarchy. They make your elements stand out.

ui design rules: contrast with color

Cheat sheet

  1. Whitespace is good
  2. Accessibility first
  3. Consistency is key
  4. Less fonts = better
  5. Contrast with color
cheat sheet

Which One Is Your Favorite?

Which one is your favorite?

So, were you following these rules earlier in your designs? Which one’s your favorite? If you liked the post, please share it with your designer friends who might enjoy it as well.